The Side Effects of Pitocin®

Pitocin® is the most commonly used drug for induction. This handout will provide you with a tool to illustrate the common situations where Pitocin is employed, side effects, and additional support that may be required from its use.

Two versions of this handout are provided: color and black/white. Bring a box of crayons and use the black/white version of the handout to let Mama’s little helpers participate in the conversation.

Disclaimer: Pitocin® is a registered trademark of the PAR STERILE PRODUCTS, LLC as of the publication of this document. Information provided in this handout is exclusively for non-medical reference only. Always consult with your local medical provider for latest information on medical-based facts concerning Pitocin.

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  • Format PDF
  • Layout Portrait
  • File Sizes 202 KB, 128 KB
  • Pages 2